Deconstructing Pigeon Pose
/Some Hip Openers increase outward rotation of the femur bone in the hip socket. Others lengthen the psoas muscle, a main hip flexor connecting the torso and legs. Pigeon Pose does both with the front leg working in external rotation and the back leg in position to stretch the psoas.
Warm Ups:
Supine, bent knees, roll one leg at a time in and out to side, and circle in both directions
Relieve tension in inner thigh with block between thighs, press and release
Isometric, draw knee in and press out
Gentle hip opener warm up can be done on a chair using gravity, or in table with Fire Hydrant move
Open the hips and prepare for Pigeon:
Eye of the Needle (4 square pose)
Supine, draw one knee in and press one away.
Alternate sides.
Add challenge by linking fingers at shin instead of behind the lifted thigh.
Pigeon Pose
1. Leg and hip position
From table, hands one hand span in front of shoulders
Place left knee just behind and slightly to left of left hand, shin on diagonal. Left heel is pointing towards right hip. (gradually moving leg parallel to front of mat)
Right leg thigh faces down to the mat (avoid external rotation). Tuck toes under, lift thigh and knee to straighten the leg, moving right hip forward so it is parallel to left hip (squaring the hips towards the front of the mat)
Right foot points out behind and thigh lowers down
Place blanket or cushion under the left thigh for support so you don’t fall to the left
2. Even out the body
Bring hands to either side of front knee and use arms to keep body upright.
3. If front knee is pain-free move on to Sleeping Pigeon.
Front knee should not hurt!!
If it does, this is not the pose for you. Stick with Eye of the Needle.
Sleeping Pigeon
Extend torso forward across the front shin, walking arms out in front and releasing forehead towards the mat.
Maintain hip position and use blanket or cushion under chest as needed.
Sleeping pigeon can be held for a while, keeping the mind focused by following the breath, settling deeper.