Yoga for Sleep

Insomnia is a real physical and mental health problem and not to be underestimated. “Coronasomnia,” as some experts now call it, has created a huge new population of chronic insomniacs. The pandemic has heightened stress and upset routines. Days lack rhythm and social interaction. The future is uncertain; the end of the crisis indiscernible.

Amongst all the advice out there to address this issue one always stands out: exercise!

And in particular: yoga!

Research from The National Sleep Foundation—leading expert voice in the world of sleep science and health for nearly thirty years—claims: Yoga isn’t just beneficial for improving core strength, flexibility, and stress levels; it can also help you sleep better—When people who have insomnia perform yoga on a regular basis, they sleep for longer, fall asleep faster, and return to sleep more quickly if they wake up in the middle of the night.

And for the mind, “Mindfulness meditation evokes the relaxation response,” which is a deep physiological shift in the body that’s the opposite of the stress response. It helps you break the train of your everyday thoughts to evoke the relaxation response.

In addition to the well-documented, long list of causes of sleep disruption add these:

  • You're a woman. Hormonal shifts

  • You don't have a regular schedule.

  • Aging - You're over age 60. Changes in sleep patterns.

  • Changes in activity.

  • Changes in health.

  • More medications.

How can Yoga help?

The Practice:

Pranayama. So Hum.

  1. Sit comfortably and breath through your nose.

  2. In your mind, on the inhale say SO, and on the exhale say HUM. A Sanskrit mantra of presence: I am here.

  3. Repeat for a while.

Asana sequence:

  1. Seated on mat or chair

    • Head rolls, Namaste hands, nose to hands, open between shoulder blades, lengthen back neck, one leg extends to side, other bent into thigh

    • Soft overhead stretch

    • Then head to knee pose (very soft)

    • Then arm stretch to opposite side and toe points

  2. Wide-Knee Child's Pose (Balasana)

    • This resting pose provides a sense of calm and stability

  3. Legs Up The Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

    • Hands to belly, feel the breath

  4. Reclining Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana)

    • Pillow under head, knees in circles, cross twists

  5. Corpse Pose (Savasana)
