Yoga for Wrists

A common complaint in yoga class is wrist pain and/or weakness.


We may experience wrist pain because of repetitive or sustained stress on the wrists in table, plank and downward dog poses. The wrist joints are carrying more weight than they are prepared for.

As we advance in yoga practice, we are strengthening the arm muscles, which will reduce discomfort in the wrists by taking the weight off them. We are also developing skill at positioning, which shifts weight-bearing to stronger areas of the body. 


What to do?

As that process evolves, here are some suggestions to ease wrist stress, discomfort or pain:

1. Warm up wrists before putting weight on them (like circling, and stretching)

2. Strengthen the muscles around and above the wrists (especially biceps)

3. Distribute weight on all parts of the hands, not just heel or fingers.

4. Spread the fingers and grip the floor.

5. and (of course) strengthen the core so you are exerting less weight downwards on the wrists.


For example?

Techniques to Support the Wrists in Downward Dog:

Modify the pose: It is always an option to go onto the elbows instead of the hands. You can use a block to change angle of the wrist.


1. Press into the inner corners of your hands – the space between the thumb and index finger. This allows the meat of the hand to bear the weight and direct the pressure into the arms instead of solely into the wrist joints.

2. Engage your legs so that less of your body weight is shifted into your hands. Work to actively shift your hips up and back as you press your feet firmly downwards. 

3. Externally rotate your upper arm bones, plugging the shoulders down the back. This causes more strength to come from the back, again taking the pressure out of your hands.

4. Gently lift the palms of your hands, pressing into your finger pads. This can be challenging at first but practicing it consistently will lead you to build strength in your fingers.

5. Go for a thicker mat. Taking the time to invest in a quality mat with good padding will do wonders not only for your wrists, but the rest of your body, especially the knees.
