Introduction to the Chakras

Sometimes, in class, we focus our practice on the 1st five chakras. The intention is to deepen our understanding of this more subtle aspect of yoga, and incorporate that learning into our regular practice.

Traditionally, Indians saw the body as containing seven main chakras, arranged vertically from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel, and these "wheels" were thought of as spinning vortexes of energy.

Each chakra is associated with particular functions within the body and with specific life issues and the way we handle them, both inside ourselves and in our interactions with the world.

Through external situations and internal habits, such as long-held physical tension and limiting self-concepts, a chakra can become either deficient or excessive—and therefore imbalanced. We aim to balance these energies with asana (poses), pranayama (breathing), mudra (hand and body gestures) and guided meditation.


Muladhara Chakra (Root)

This energy vortex is involved in tending to our survival needs, establishing a sense of groundedness.

Colour: red

Element: earth

Physical body: base of torso, legs and feet

Asana: warriors, supine leg exercises

Pranayama: extended exhalations

Adhi Mudra

Adhi Mudra

Bhu Mudra

Bhu Mudra


Svadisthana Chakra (Pelvis)

This energy vortex is involved in emotional and sensual movement in our life, opening to pleasure, and learning how to "go with the flow."

Colour: orange

Element: water

Physical body: hips, sacrum, lower back, genitals,bladder, and kidneys

Asana: flowing movements, cat/cow, hip openers

Pranayama: Abdominal breathing, Nadhi Shodhana

Mudra: Shankha  and Jala

Jala Mudra

Jala Mudra


Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus)

This energy vortex is our fiery inner sun,  involved in self-esteem, and the power of transformation.  It  supports us in overcoming inertia, allows us to take risks, assert our will, and assume responsibility for our life.

Colour: yellow

Element: fire

Physical body: solar plexus, navel, and the digestive system

Asana: sun salutations, plank, other challenging poses

Pranayama: Anuloma Krama –  inhale in 3 , hold, exhale smoothly. Viloma Krama - inhale smoothly, hold, exhale in 3

Mudra: Matangi  and Brahma  

Matangi Mudra

Matangi Mudra

brahma Mudra

brahma Mudra


Anahata Chakra (Heart)

This energy vortex is the  balance point, integrating our physical self (the lower three chakras) with our subtle self (the upper three chakras). Through the heart chakra, we open to and connect with harmony and peace.

Colour: emerald green

Element: air

Physical body: heart and lungs

Asana: heart openers, gentle back bends

Pranayama: SO HUM. I am.

Mudra: anjeli and kapota

anjelai mudra

anjelai mudra

Kapota Mudra

Kapota Mudra


Vishuddha Chakra (Throat)

This energy vortex is about communication and creativity. It is the bridge between the third eye (wisdom) and the heart (love).

 Colour: sky blue

Element: air

Physical body: neck, throat, jaw, and mouth

Asana: back bends, lion, breath of joy

Pranayama: ujjayi

Mudra: kali and garuda     

garuda mudra

garuda mudra