Yoga Therapist Karen Weinthal
Welcome! I'm Karen Weinthal, a Yoga Alliance certified yoga instructor and Integrated Yoga Therapy yoga therapist with 40 years of experience.
I started my Yoga Therapy career with prenatal and postnatal yoga as co-founder and director of Baby & Me Fitness. Over the years as my own role moved from mother to grandmother, my yoga practice evolved and drew from my experience to now focus on our aging population, specifically those over 60.
My group classes and private sessions are geared to the practices most beneficial in us in our mature years: balance, joint mobility, strength and peace of mind.
Classes are now online via Zoom video conferencing instead of in person for the foreseeable future. Although we all miss the personal contact and social environment, this is the safest way. My focus is on breathing, movement and relaxation. Classes are geared towards people 60+ with a therapeutic focus. I give constant cueing and modifications so classes are easy to follow and easily accessible to all—even on a screen. Give it a try!
“Thank you so much for these classes, they really help me getting over the stress I am feeling with the Covid situation. I am someone who worries a lot, but this has taken it to another level. I find that during practice, my mind really gets a break and the practice brings me into a zone of well-being.”
– Sylvie
“While washing the lunch dishes and feeling sort of happy, I remembered that I'd felt really down this morning and realized that the happiness must be a result of the uplifting exercises you put us through in class.”
– Ada
“It was an awesome class tonight, Karen! I felt that the yoga we did tonight was good for my fibromyalgia, targeting the painful joints and muscles.”
– Rachel
“Wow! What a class. And I’m hearing so much now about people’s mental health. Your class is definitely one of the things keeping me healthy and sane!”
– Kim
Online Yoga Anniversary
Its been almost a year since Covid-time began. We have adapted to the many ways our lives have been disrupted. We have survived!
Fortunately here at Healing Yoga with Karen we made a quick pivot to online yoga classes in early April 2020. Our classes have benefitted us all providing:
A safe yet challenging hatha yoga practice (on mat or chair)
Stress relieving practices to apply in our daily lives
A reliable structure in suddenly unstructured time.
Yoga Nidra, long guided mediations to deepen relaxation
A community of friends, old and new, who stay connected
Shared advice on healthy living
We have much to be thankful for. We committed ourselves to staying flexible, healthy and strong. And we will continue to do so.
See you on the mat and chair as we enter our 2nd year of Zoom Yoga. As opportunities to meet in the real world open again, we will still meet here, online, together. If you don’t yet come to our classes please consider joining us.
“Yoga does not just change the way we see things; it transforms the person who sees.”
― B.K.S Iyengar
Current Schedule
Mat Class
Monday & Thursday
10-11:15 am
Chair Yoga
Tuesday & Friday
10-11:00 am
Gentle yoga
6-7:15 pm
Upcoming Workshops
Yoga for Sleep
Offered mid November (time TBA): we will look at causes, solutions and yoga practices to address insomnia and middle-of-the-night wakefulness.
Yoga Nidra
Offered every 6 weeks: a guided meditation and conscious relaxation practice that is intended to induce total physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. No previous experience necessary.
Fall 2021 Yoga Retreat
Please join me for a weekend in the country with yoga and guided meditation, friendship and delicious food. Take some time out for yourself to stretch and strengthen your body, calm your mind, and tap into new sources of energy. Learn more.
Sign Up
Emails with a link to access the Zoom video are sent out at the beginning of each week.
Private online classes are also available by appointment.